A Letter of Kindness

letter of kindness

To All Current and Past Patients,I write this letter to all my current and past patients, to let you all know that I am thinking of you. Despite the craziness of my own life right now, I carry each of you in my mind consistently. Each of you has a unique situation, and a unique way of being, that as your therapist, I have had the pleasure of experiencing in the deepest way.I have the experience of being on both sides of the couch, and thus I’m able to understand what it means to be a patient and a therapist. I could understand in a time like this someone may hold onto the bond with their therapist tighter, and how patients past and present might think about me as an emotional guide more often.I’ve helped you make tough decisions, I’ve supported a range of emotional experiences, and have supported you through change. During this time of COVID-19 you might be feeling a need for emotional support around the inevitable change this moment will bring. Change we each will experience individually and to our world.I know my work wasn’t meaningful to everyone, but I know that it was/is meaningful to many. And to those I say, I remember you and hold you dear in my mind and heart during this time. And to those where we parted months or years ago, I am thinking of you often. I want to send support and thoughtfulness your way.Keep your mental health in mind during this time, hold the work we did together close to your heart, and if you need support find it. You have the experience that the therapeutic relationship works, that is incredibly valuable during this time. Since fear and tensions rise high, and therapy can help get people through.

Deep breath, try not to jump too far ahead, and verbalize your needs,


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